Upcoming Events:

Save the Date for the San Marcos River Cleanup on March 1, 2025

and the 2025 Trash Bash on March 29, 2025!

Nueces River, photo by TRPA member Mark Boyden

Sky Jones Lewey, R.I.P. 1958-2022

Sky Jones Lewey @ Facebook

Sky dedicated her life, work, and passion to protecting Texas’ rivers. Through her career with the Nueces River Authority, she passed Senate Bill 155 to protect rivers and riparian areas from the devastating degradation of unfettered off-road vehicle abuse and sparked a community of river advocates in the process. She went on to create the Your Remarkable Riparian Network and field guide, the Pull.Kill.Plant campaign to stop the spread of Arundo donax on rivers, and the Up2U campaign to promote clean rivers and beaches. She also continued her family legacy of stewardship and conservation of the Open V Ranch in Uvalde.

Sky touched the hearts and minds of thousands of Texas landowners, paddlers, and river advocates. And yet several important campaigns that Sky championed remain unrealized. One of the most urgent is to protect Texas’ few remaining pristine streams.

The need for strong voices on behalf of Texas’ Pristine Streams has only grown. The Sky Lewey River Protection Fund will honor Sky’s legacy and ensure that the work to protect her Nueces River – and all the rivers of our state – carries on.

Donate to the Sky Lewey River Protection Fund

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