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Boquillas, photo by TRPA member Mark Boyden

Rio Grande International Park and Paddling Trail

JULY 22, 2021


Whereas, Big Bend National Park was established in 1943, when Franklin D. Roosevelt proposed to Mexican President Manuel Avila Camacho, “I do not believe this undertaking in the Big Bend will be complete until the entire park area… on both sides of the Rio Grande, forms one great international park.”

Whereas, the transnational Big Bend / Rio Bravo region is North America’s largest and most diverse desert ecosystem.

Whereas, the current proposed bi-National park is along 268 rugged miles / 431 kilometers of the Rio Grande / Rio Bravo (14% of the entire US/Mexico border).

Whereas, TRPA believes it is important to equally protect river canyons, watersheds and wildlife habitat in both Mexico and U.S.A.

Therefore resolved, Texas Rivers Protection Association seeks to join hands with the National Park Service, Audubon Society, Sierra Club, Rotary International, Mexican authorities and land trusts to revive this concept.

TRPA is currently studying advocacy for designation of a Rio Grande International Paddling Trail.

BigBend Camacho Roosevelt 1943
Mexican President Manuel Avila Camacho and USA President Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1943

Audubon Magazine, 2021: An idea whose time has come—or come and gone?

NY Times, 2019: The Grand Dream of an International Park