1. Be a competent swimmer with the ability to handle yourself underwater and in moving water.
2. Be certain that you have a properly fitted Personal Flotation Device (PFD), and wear it .
3. Be suitably equipped.
4. Keep your craft under control. Control must be good enough to, at any time, stop or reach the shore before reaching any danger. Know one’s boating ability. Do not enter a rapid unless one is reasonably sure that it can be navigated safely or that one can swim the entire length of the rapid in the event of a capsizing.
5. Be sure to keep an appropriate distance between canoes (distance will vary depending on water conditions; a good rule of thumb is to always keep the canoe behind in view). Never get ahead of the assigned lead canoe or behind the assigned sweep canoe. Both lead and sweep positions should be held by experienced paddlers with knowledge of the water being traveled.
6. Keep a lookout for river hazards and avoid them.
7. Respect the rights of fishers and landowners while on your river trip.