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Join us for the 14th Annual Hidalgo Falls Texas River Festival!

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Llano RIver Watershed

Opportunity to attend: Water & Land Stewardship Workshop

Re-Post from Llano River Watershed Stewardship Workshop

Want to be a better steward of your water and land and keep our springs and rivers flowing?

Then join us for a stewardship workshop and learn about the geology of our local aquifers, the best land stewardship to keep the natural water cycle flowing, and the laws governing groundwater and surface water.

  • Date: Saturday, November 11, 2023
  • Time: 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM
  • Registration Fee: $10
  • Location: Coke Stevenson Memorial Center Junction, TX
  • Use the link below to register

​Sponsor: Llano River Watershed Alliance

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Groundwater Becoming Surface Water at 700 Springs


  • ​Dr. Peter George, Senior Hydrologist, Collier Consulting, the firm that does KCGD’s groundwater availability study.
  • Steve Nelle, Natural Resource Specialist/Wildlife Biologist, retired NRCS
  • Meredith Allen, General Groundwater Manager for Kimble, Sutton, and Menard GWDs

​Agenda: Moderated panel presentations with Q&A

9:00-9:30 Check-in and coffee & refreshment social

  • ​Geology of local aquifers: Basic overview of what an aquifer is, including the geology of the karst limestone aquifers
  • Land Stewardship to increase both groundwater and surface waters: Increase groundwater recharge through stewardship for your land and objectives.
  • Groundwater and surface water laws: Role of Groundwater Districts and the laws for groundwater and surface waters in Texas

​Contact Person: Scott Richardson 830-459-2271

Campground Cleanup needed

Hidalgo Falls has had several storms this year and has a lot of downed branches. We could use some help clearing these, as well as some weed-eating and restrooms cleansed

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