Sunday March 2nd 9:00 AM – 10:30AM
The annual meeting of the Texas Rivers Protection Association General Membership will be held Sunday morning after the 54th San Marcos River Clean Up on March 2, 2025. All current and potential members are welcome to attend. A Zoom link will be made available for those wishing to attend virtually.
To RSVP for the virtual meeting please email Membership Coordinator, Grace Arianoutsos at gracegreek@yahoo.com
Clean River actions and involvement activities. One of our foundational missions is to engage with Developers, Jurisdictions and Landowners to minimize water pollutants generated by new construction along Texas rivers. A review of actions TRPA Board Members participated will be addressed.
Highlights from the Hidalgo Falls River Festival 2024. A full weekend of paddling lessons, river trips, guest speakers, camping and camaraderie. Details on this year’s event will be presented.
Election for Board of Directors. Based on the By-Laws approved and implemented in 2024 there are four (4) openings to the Board of Directors. If you are interested in participating and shaping the activities and direction of TRPA please consider volunteering and participate in this election. Please contact Membership Coordinator, Grace Arianoutsos at gracegreek@yahoo.com for more information on the responsibilities of Board Members.
Please come out to meet fellow paddlers from around the state for this social and business meeting.