TRPA Annual Meeting 2025Time: Mar 2, 2025 9:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 815 5810 5507
Passcode: 271561

4 TRPA Board of Directors Positions up for election
Electronic ballots were sent to the TRPA Membership in early February. Look for your email to cast your vote in support of those dedicated volunteers who want an opportunity to support TRPA initiatives and goals.
Alternatively, voting can be done in person at the Annual Membership Meeting held Sunday March 2nd.
With the adoption of the new TRPA By-laws in 2024 the TRPA Board of Directors now has four positions up for election each year. This year our candidates are: Bruce Bodson, Dan Houlihan, Tom Douglas, and Mike McClabb.
The TRPA Board thanks Tom Goynes for his service to the TRPA Board of Directors over the last year. Tom, one of the founders of TRPA, stepped back into the activities. As former Board Member and long time President Tom has a tremendous amount of knowledge to share. He supported the Treasurer activities over the past year and will transition the responsibilities to the next Board.
Responsibilities of a TRPA Board of Director include participating in the Annual Meeting and up to 4 other meetings throughout the year. Board Members look for opportunities to further the TRPA pillars of purpose, Water quality, access and safe paddling. Board members engage with other Paddling and River focused organizations that support Texas river access and clean water. Often spearheading or supporting local river clean ups and safe paddling activities. Board members are expected to engage in discussion topics raised to the Board,
Candidates for the four positions to be elected in 2025 to serve a three-year term are:
Tom Douglas – Tom D has been a part of the TRPA Board of Directors for the last year. Tom D is an avid paddler and has paddled three US coasts, and in Canada, Costa Rica, and Scotland. Tom is an ACA instructor for canoeing and kayaking and paddles for pleasure and to ensure the safety of others on the water during the Buffalo Bayou Regatta. Tom and his wife organize and lead outings for the Galveston Bay Foundation, Houston Canoe Club, Houston Sierra Club, Artist Boat, church and college groups, and Houston Museum of Natural Science.
Bruce Bodson – Bruce has been involved in environmental matters for many years, as a scientist, consultant, attorney and academic. He is dedicated to the preservation, access and quality of Texas Rivers. In addition to his involvement with Gulf Coast Bird Observatory, Bayou Land Conservancy and Lower Brazos River Watch, Bruce has been a part of the TRPA Board of Directors for the last year.
Dan Houlihan – Dan has been involved with TRPA for many years, supporting the Membership Committee for the last 4 years. He is an active outdoorsman and has taught canoeing and kayaking. He champions conservation and protection of our natural resources and the environment while actively engaging across Texas rivers. He has paddled rivers in, and around, Houston, Dallas, Central and South Texas giving him exposure to the distinct river ecosystems around the state. His professional experience in the management and acquisition of real estate for utilities and in depth of experience in land research, acquisitions and Right of Way negotiations brings valuable expertise to TRPA as we pursue our mission to preserve the quality and access to Texas rivers.
Mike McClabb – Mike has served on the Board of TRPA for the last year. Elected to the Martindale City Council in May 2018, Mike is very involved in all things Texas Rivers, especially the San Marcos River. As an active City Council member, he was influential in passing can bans in Martindale in 2018 and San Marcos in 2024. Also in 2018, he assisted in the conversion of city owned river bottom lands to parks and in 2024 established a permanent take out at the sculls bridge parking lot. With the explosive growth in the Caldwell and Guadalupe counties, Mike is leveraging his more than 30-year career as a project manager on oil and gas projects to work with developers and contractors on sewage treatment plants to facilitate zero discharge plants on Texas Rivers. He brings this experience and network to the benefit of TRPA.
The election for the four open positions on the TRPA Board of Directors will be both electronic and in person at the annual Board meeting to be held on Sunday March 2nd, 2025 in San Marcos, Texas. If you choose to vote via the electronic ballot emailed to members during the month of February, you do not need to vote in person on March 2nd.
Please be sure to vote to ensure your TRPA Board of Directors can continue to engage across Texas for access to clean rivers.