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Save the Date for the San Marcos River Cleanup on March 1, 2025

and the 2025 Trash Bash on March 29, 2025!

54th San Marcos River Rendezvous Clean Up

San Marcos River Cleanup Trash Pile, 2022
San Marcos River Cleanup Trash Pile

Join us Saturday, March 1, 2025 for the 54th Annual River Rendezvous Clean Up

Paddlers from all over Texas will be participating in the world’s longest river clean up, picking up trash along most of the San Marcos’ 90 miles of River. The weekend of festivities focus on reducing trash on one of the most beautiful rivers in Texas.

From just downstream of San Marcos, all the way to Gonzales, whether you are on foot, in a canoe, kayak or raft all will be picking up trash from the banks and from the river.



Participation in this clean up event includes 2 nights of complimentary camping at either Shady Grove Campground/ Spencer Canoes or at the San Marcos River Retreat. Reservations are required and made through the Section Leaders identified below. If you would like to clean from land, you must coordinate your section and camping directly through Shady Grove by calling call: 512-357-6113 or San Marcos River Retreat via email at: tomgoynes@mac.com


BBQ Saturday night dinner starting at 5 p.m. BBQ provided by the generous donations to the Texas Rivers Protection Association in the chapel at the San Marcos River Retreat. You must be registered with a Section Leader to be included in the final Clean Up headcount. Environmentalists that we are, please bring a plate, a cup, and utensils (help us reduce the amount of trash generated by a group pickup up trash). If you have a signature dessert to share, we welcome home prepared or store bought items.


If you or your group would like to adopt a section of river, we are in need of leaders (Scoutmasters, church groups, community activities, meetups, or social clubs) to clean up some of the bridges and parks along the
river. Cleaning these parks and bridges on foot allows the paddlers to get on and off the river quicker – which allows them more time to clean the river that isn’t accessible on foot. Please reach out to Tom Goynes at the San Marcos River Retreat or via email using tomgoynes@mac.com.


The paddling portion of this event is for experienced paddlers only, with their own boats and who are members of paddling groups who have adopted various sections of river. There are sections river that require WHITEWATER skills. For those sections, only persons capable of handling a vessel full of trash in whitewater should volunteer. This is primarily for section 2, 7 and 8. Other sections are ideal for CANOE ENTHUSIASTS, Section 10 from Luling to Gonzales has long stretches with few bridge crossings. See below for Section Leader information.


Paddlers are required to contact the section leader for the section of river he or she intends to clean and reserve a spot on that team. For the safety of everyone on the water, Section Leaders (SL) may limit the number of participants and will maintain the list of volunteers. All registrants should notify the SL how many nights they intend to camp and the headcount for the BBQ dinner. Saturday morning check in, shuttle and meeting details will be provided by the Section Leader.

DRIVING DIRECTIONS to the San Marcos River Retreat; Google maps shows the “San Marcos River Scout Camp”.
From Interstate 35 in San Marcos, head EAST on Highway 80 heading toward Luling for 1.8 miles. Turn right on county road 101. Take an immediate left onto county road 102. Go 1/2 mile on 102 and take a right on Pecan Park road. Keep going straight (past TG Canoes and Kayaks) and the road will end at the San Marcos River Retreat office. For more info visit our website at San Marcos River Retreat


  1. Thompson’s Island to The San Marcos River Retreat (3.5 miles)
    While a relative short section, this is an all day clean up, volunteers should plan on being on the river until mid-afternoon. Volunteers are guaranteed to experience trash jams that resemble the trash compactor. This section of river is not recommended for the faint of heart due to the fact that the City of San Marcos has closed the put in at Thompson’s Island, folks cleaning this section may launch from City Park in San Marcos. Alternatively, and up and back trip from San Marcos River Retreat
    • SECTION LEADER: looking for a volunteer coordinator
  2. San Marcos River Retreat to Sculls Crossing (3.1 miles)
    This is a whitewater section of river. If you don’t know what a draw is, don’t choose this section. Several groups and canoe clubs will be cleaning this section
    • SECTION LEADER: Grace Arianoutsos: gracegreek@yahoo.com
  3. Sculls Crossing to Spencer Canoes (2 miles)
    This section involves carrying your canoe around Martindale Dam. Paddlers will experience a little bit of moving water from the dam to Spencer Canoe. This section has been adopted by the San Marcos River Ranch
    • SECTION LEADER: katybrantley@gmail.com 512-755-972
  4. Spencer Canoes to Staples – Hwy 1977 (5 miles)
    This section is being cleaned by Jeff Pine paddling club and this section is full.
  5. Staples to Fentress – Hwy 20 (9 miles)
    Section Leader: Dallas Downriver Club
    • SECTION LEADER: Bryan Jackson paddlinpals@yahoo.com
  6. Fentress to Prairie Lea 1 (3.29 miles)
    Some fast moving water; some trees in the river
    • SECTION LEADER: Susan Eda susaneda@mac.com
  7. Prairie Lea 1 to Stairtown (5 miles)
    Some fast moving water; some trees in the river
    • SECTION LEADER: Josh Sarkardehi, jsarkardehi@gmail.com
  8. Stairtown to Luling – Hwy 90 (6.5miles)
    Some fast moving water; some trees in the river
    • SECTION LEADER: Jeannette Burris, mmball1@sbcglobal.net
  9. Hwy 90 to Zedler Dam (6 miles)
    TPWD paddling trail paddlers will experience some fast moving water; some trees in the river
    • SECTION LEADER: Kenny Sharpless kenny.sharpless@hotmail.com
  10. Zedler Dam to Gonzales (a long way)
    Long hard stretch for people with the Water Safari on their mind (in other words, for crazy people)
    • SECTION LEADER: sandyonley@hotmail.com

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