It is election time! Under the new by-laws, members will be electing 12 board members for the Texas Rivers Protection Association. Then, at the the annual meeting on March 3, those 12 folks will elect the officers who will serve for the coming year.
This letter will list the candidates and their bios. There will be a ballot within this e-mail and an attached word doc of that ballot as well. You can choose how you want to vote. You can simply reply to this e-mail, deleting everything but the ballot, put some x’s within the parentheses in front of each candidate’s name (or a write in name that you add) and send it back to me. I have volunteered to be the election committee (I will have some honest volunteers – like Duane TeGrotenhuis – help count the votes).
You also have the option of opening the attached ballot, and either fill it in electronically and email to me, or you can print it out, fill it in and then either snail mail it to the address on the ballot (me) or you can scan it and email it.
Grace tells me that there will also be a way to use Google Forms to vote. She intends to email y’all the invite to vote that way.
Lots of options, but please only vote once! If you vote by e-mail be sure to use the same address that this newsletter was sent to. That is your official e-mail address. We will check to make sure that you are a current member and we will make a note that you have voted.
If you choose to print a ballot and snail mail it to me, be sure to print your name and sign the back side of the ballot. That way, one member of the committee will check the membership list to confirm that you are paid up and the other member will tally your vote. Secret ballot.
If you choose to vote, make sure that you are a current paid member – which means you have either paid dues or made a donation of $25 or more in the last year. At the end of this letter there will be some information showing when you made your last donation (or paid dues) how much you paid and how you paid (cash, check, or Stripe). If you want to contribute you can do it online on our website or you can mail a check to TRPA, 444 Pecan Park Drive, San Marcos, TX 78666
Hope to see you at the clean up and meeting. Tom Goynes

A Message from the President
Another year is upon us. We are finally getting some rain in portions of Texas, but we are still woefully behind.
Some of the things that TRPA has been doing…
most of my efforts have been involved in wastewater permitting issues, and lobbying TCEQ for more stringent limits on nutrient levels, as well as reuse.
TRPA continues our coalitions with other groups. Collectively, we are making in roads on getting developers to submit for reduced nutrient levels, and sometimes get them to voluntarily specify reuse in their permits. One of the issues is that TCEQ has very old regulations.
The state of Texas now has more than 30 million people residing here. This has placed ever increasing demands on freshwater. Many municipalities get their freshwater from surface impoundments. Some municipalities, such as San Antonio, rely primarily on aquifers. with the rainfall situation, as well as the continuing drought, reservoir levels are at critical levels. Much of the rain that has been happening in Texas, has been east of the Balcones Plateau; i.e. east of IH 35.
with limited resources for drinking water, it is even more important that we reuse the waters that are often wastewater. Some people do not wrap their head around the fact that wastewater treatment levels are often cleaner than pasture runoff. Many people think that this cannot, and will not, happen in the state of Texas. However, there is already a municipality that is doing this very thing. This is the city of big Spring.
many of the coalition groups have been working together to educate the public and TCEQ on beneficial reuse methodologies. Indeed, two of your current board members are involved professionally with such efforts. this includes trying to do full close loop systems for development, where, in very little outside water is used. Much of this is done with rainwater collection systems. Sometimes these need to be supplemented with other water sources, but the goal is to have such closed-looped systems. this truly needs to be the future of development.
in areas where incredibly large volumes of wastewater are generated, and may not be in a position to fully use these treatments, one extremely large use for this Effluent would be Irrigation. A very large majority of water that people use in their homes is actually used for landscape irrigation. There needs to be a more wise used of landscape plantings, that are considered natural and/or xeriscape. additionally, in a landscape irrigation should be done by subsurface methods. Along with this, any grasses on peoples property, need to be kept at a very long link to prevent drying out of the soil.
Back to Rivers…
TRPA will continue our efforts on wastewater treatment, plant, discharges, and beneficial reuse. Safety and access. Education continues on our website website. Other access issues, such as the cut off, will be ongoing. As many of you may have noticed, TxDOT pretty much is preventing river access adjacent to state highways, especially during upgrades. Much of this has to do with users, leaving an extremely large amount of litter from their visit, as well as illegal dumping. Sadly, this impacts everyone that wants to use the river. this needs to be an effort by the board, and each member. This will probably be taken over by a committee after the election.
we are going to a staggered series of board elections. This is basically to keep many fresh ideas on the board, as well as allowing a smaller slate of candidates during each yearly cycle. The board has been reduced from 15 people to 12 people, after the meeting in March. I sincerely hope each of you takes a continued interest in our effort, and will financially support our group.
I know you are very busy, and have many things going on in your lives both personally and professionally. It is my hope that we can spread the load a little better during the coming years. I have very much appreciated the opportunity to serve TRPA, and hope to do so in the future. We have a great group of folks that are very involved in the issues we hold near and dear, and we need to keep up and increase our involvement.
as I clear more of my own schedule, for personal time, I hope to be out on the river, more, and see some of you folks out there.
TRPA Financial Report 2023
General Fund: | |
Beginning Balance 1/1/2023 | $96,207.28 |
Contributions and interest for 2023 | 34,021.52 |
Subtotal general fund | $130,228.80 |
Less general expenses: | |
Mower and cover (Hidalgo) | 3,884.50 |
Save The Cut Off (Trinity River) | 1,000.00 |
Electricity (Hidalgo) | 987 |
Website | 530.48 |
San Marcos Clean Up | 490.97 |
Postage | 52.25 |
Office expenses | 5.00 |
General expenses | $6,950.20 |
Total money general fund: | $123,278.60 |
Earmarked Accounts: | |
Center Point Rockcrusher | 3,990.58 |
Can Ban and tuber issues | 969.86 |
Castroville wastewater permit | 300 |
River Road | 200.13 |
Center Point Lion’s Park | 100 |
Total Earmarked funds | $5,560.57 |
Memorial Funds Balances 12/31/23 | |
Mike Ash | 350 |
Ed Lowe | 1,258 |
David Smith | 700 |
Sharpe McCollough | 900 |
Roy Neal Staton Jr. | 625 |
David Reichert | 975 |
Pat Isley | 350 |
Don Green | 100 |
Gustav Alker | 74 |
Total Memorials | 5,332.00 |
Total funds 12/31/23: | |
TRPA checking | 112,269.36 |
TRPA Money Market | 21,741.81 |
TRPA cash | 160 |
Total Money available | $134,171.17 |
Brazos River info: | |
Hidalgo Falls Account 2023 | |
Beginning Balance 1/1/21 | $2,224.48 |
Dividends | 0.87 |
Total money available: | 2,225.35 |
Less expenses | 1,294.97 |
Balance 12/31/23 | 930.38 |
Money into general fund | |
Campground & day fees | 433.09 |
Membership dues for HF access | 1,801.04 |
Riverfest | 2,557.00 |
Total | 4,791.13 |
The 53rd Annual San Marcos River Clean Up And Rendezvous – March 2, 2024
On Saturday, March 2, 2024, paddlers from all over Texas will be participating in the world’s longest river clean up. We will be picking up trash along most of the San Marcos River (60- 90 miles depending on how many canoe racers show up). From just downstream of San Marcos, all the way to Gonzales, canoeists, kayakers and rafters will be cleaning the river and the banks. The paddling portion of this event is for experienced paddlers only, with their own boats and who are members of paddling groups who have adopted various sections of river.
I need a few good men, and women, and scouts, and pretty much anyone who wants to help, to clean up some of the bridges and parks along the river. I really need some leaders (scoutmasters, churches, community activists) who are willing to adopt a bridge or park to contact me and volunteer to coordinate the clean up of each of these hot spots. Cleaning these parks and bridges on foot allows the paddlers to get on and off the river quicker – which allows them more time to clean the river that isn’t accessible on foot.
There are some sections of river that require whitewater skills. For those sections, only persons capable of handling a canoe full of trash in whitewater should volunteer. This is primarily for section 2, 7 and 8.
CANOE RACING ENTHUSIASTS Some sections of river, like Luling to Gonzales, have long stretches with few bridge crossings and for that reason, we are asking canoe racers (especially teams that have competed in the Texas Water Safari) to volunteer for section 10.
Paddlers participating in this event are invited to camp free at either Shady Grove Campground/ Spencer Canoes (they are offering one free night of camping for volunteers) or at the San Marcos River Retreat Reservations required. For Shady Grove call: 512-357-6113. For the San Marcos River Retreat e-mail or call: 512-787-5574 (if you are not a member of the TRPA you may have to text me or leave a voicemail).
Starting at 5 p.m. on Saturday evening there will be a BBQ at the chapel at the San Marcos River Retreat. We are asking that everyone who wants to eat to register with their section leader by February 28. We are also asking folks to please bring a plate, a cup, and utensils (we are trying to generate less trash). We are asking anyone who would like to provide a dessert (either a dutch oven or baked good) to please bring it.
Paddlers are required to contact the section leader for the section of river he or she intends to clean and reserve a spot on that team. Many of these sections are will only be open to members of the club that has adopted that section. That leader will keep a list of volunteers and also make a note of folks who intend to eat BBQ. The section leader will tell all the members in their group where they will meet on the morning of March 2. At that meeting, trash bags will be handed out and shuttles will be arranged.
1. Thompson’s Island to The San Marcos River Retreat (3.5 miles)
This is an all day clean up, volunteers should plan on being on the river until about 4 p.m. Volunteers are guaranteed to experience trash jams that resemble the trash compactor (complete with monster) from the original Star Wars movie. This section of river is not recommended for the faint of heart.
Due to the fact that the City of San Marcos has closed the put in at Thompson’s Island, this section may not be cleaned this year. We will provide updated info if things change.
Possible new section: Up and back trip from San Marcos River Retreat.
There has been some interest in cleaning the river upstream from the Retreat to Cummings Dam and back down. We will update this information as the event approaches.
2. San Marcos River Retreat to Sculls Crossing (4 miles).
This is a whitewater section of river. If you don’t know what a draw is, don’t choose this section. Several groups and canoe clubs will be cleaning this section.
Section coordinator: Grace Arianoutsos
3. Sculls Crossing to Spencer Canoes (2 mi.)
This section involves carrying your canoe around Martindale Dam. And a little bit of moving water from the dam to Spencer Canoes
This section has been adopted by the San Marcos River Ranch
4. Spencer Canoes to Staples – Hwy 1977 (5 miles)
This section is being cleaned by the Informal River Bureaucracy (aka Jeff Pine and friends) and they have enough volunteers
5. Staples to Fentress – Hwy 20 (9 miles)
Section Leader: Dallas Downriver Club
6. Fentress to Prairie Lea 1 (2miles)
Some fast moving water; some trees in the river.
Section Leader: Susan Eda
7. Prairie Lea 1 to Stairtown (5 miles)
Some fast moving water; some trees in the river.
Section Leader: Josh Sarkardehi,
8. Stairtown to Luling – Hwy 90 (6.5miles)
Some fast moving water; some trees in the river.
Section Leader: Jeannette Burris,
9. Hwy 90 to Zedler Dam (6 mi.) A TPWD paddling trail
Some fast moving water; some trees in the river.
Section Leader: Kayaking Houston
Kenny Sharpless
10. Zedler Dam to Gonzales (a long way)
Long hard stretch for people with the Water Safari on their mind (in other words, for crazy people).
Section Leader:
DRIVING DIRECTIONS: to the San Marcos River Retreat
On google maps we show up as the “San Marcos River Scout Camp.”
Coming from Interstate 35 in San Marcos, get on Highway 80 and head toward Luling for 1.8 miles. Take a right on county road 101. Take an immediate left onto county road 102. Go 1/2 mile on 102 and take a right on Pecan Park road. Keep going straight (past TG Canoes and Kayaks) and the road will end at the San Marcos River Retreat office. For more info visit
our website at San Marcos River Retreat
Clean up Coordinator: Tom Goynes
Annual Meeting, Sunday, March 3, 2024
On Sunday, March 3 at 10 a.m. the Texas Rivers Protection Association will hold its annual meeting in the Cowboy Chapel at the San Marcos River Retreat. We will e-mail the Zoom link with our next e-mail newsletter, for those who want to attend virtually.
Under our new bylaws, 12 board members of the TRPA serve three-year terms and that he officers shall be elected from the members of the board.
Since this is our first year to operate under this new bylaw, all 12 board members need to be elected. Four will be elected to a three year term, four will be elected to a two year term and four will be elected to a one year term.
There is a ballot below. It contains a list of 15 nominees for board members. There are also blank spaces to write in people for board positions. The top four candidates with he most votes will serve 3 year terms, the next four will serve 2 year terms and the final four will serve a one year term. We will also be e-mailing a Google Forms ballot to all paid members so they have the possibility to vote electronically.
Immediately prior to the annual meeting on Sunday morning, March 3, 2024, at 10 a.m. at the San Marcos River Retreat, members present will discuss any changes (like board members who have decided to retire) since the ballot was sent out. Members present will fill in their ballots and these ballots will be counted along with those ballots that have been received by mail or by Google. A committee selected from persons present at that time will count the ballots. Once the election is over, the annual meeting will begin.
If you intend to be present at the meeting on Sunday, March 3, please bring your ballot with you. If you cannot attend, but wish to vote in this election, make sure your dues are current (paid within the last year) and either vote using Google forms or print out the attached ballot, fill it in and and either mail or e-mail it. Make sure that your dues are paid, and that the backside of the page has your name clearly printed and your signature. Your vote will be private, but we need to verify that everyone voting is a paid member, so we will look at the backside of your ballot first (and/or check the e-mail return address), then all the ballots will be turned over and the votes privately counted.
Bios of the candidates:
Grace Arianoutsos (Dallas) joined the TRPA Board in 2020 as one of the representatives for the North Texas paddling community. She has many years of experience as a Program Manager, successfully leading teams and projects before leaving the corporate environment in 2020 to focus on Outdoor Education. “I enjoy sharing my passion for the outdoors by helping to support a safe enjoyment of our Texas waterways by teaching paddling techniques and leading paddle adventures.” The focus of my recent tenure as Vice President has been to raise awareness of and increase membership of TRPA through communications on the webiste. I look forward to working with TRPA and continuing to serve the greater community to ensure safe and healthy waterways into the future.”
Bruce Bodson (Missouri City) has over 40 years of environmental experience as a scientist, consultant, attorney and academic. His consulting/legal practice focuses on riparian habitat protection, water quality, and the environmental impacts of energy development. He has been involved in the protection of Texas waters and riparian areas for over 20 years. Bruce has served on the boards of Bayou Land Conservancy, the Christmas Bay Foundation, the Gulf Coast Bird Observatory, CEC Houston, the Houston Canoe Club, and the Bayou Preservation Association. He founded and directs Lower Brazos Riverwatch and the associated land trust, the Columbia Bottomlands Conservancy, promoting clean water, riparian habitat protection, and recreational access to the Brazos River and tributaries. He is a public interest representative on the Brazos BBASC. Bruce is also adjunct faculty for Texas A&M University at Galveston, where he teaches Environmental Policy, and Environmental Impact Analysis for the Graduate Program in Marine Resource Management. His Bachelors degree is from the University of Arizona at Tucson, in Fisheries Biology, his Masters is from the University of Texas at Dallas in Environmental Science, and his JD is from South Texas College of Law. He has also done post doc studies in environmental and energy law at University of Houston Law Center. Bruce usually spends any spare time on area waters, kayaking, kayak racing, biologizing, birding and helping other people get out and gain an appreciation of this amazing resource.
Robert Brischetto (Lakehills) sociologist, initiator in 2001 of the Medina River Cleanup, trained in river testing and founder of the Medina River Stream Team.
I run again for the TRPA board for three reasons: (1) to continue the work begun by Tom Goynes and others whose lives every day have been devoted to protecting Texas Rivers; (2) to support and expand TRPA’s influence on state enforcement of the rules governing permit provisions in a time of increasing development and pollution of Texas rivers and streams; and (3) to engage paddling and environmental groups throughout the state as active participants in TRPA efforts at river cleanup and protection.
Patti Carothers (Navasota), current secretary for TRPA and site manager for TRPA’s Hidalgo Falls campground on the Brazos River. ACA Kayak & SUP Instructor. Kayak Instructor Trainer, River/Touring, USCA Canoe Instructor Trainer. Former ACA board member, serving as VP and secretary, among several other hats. Long-time interest in San Jacinto and Brazos River watersheds. Representative for recreational water users on the Brazos River – Basin and Bay Area Stakeholder Committee (BBASC). Volunteer paddle instructor for TPWD’s Becoming an Outdoors-Woman (BOW) workshop for 30 yrs, also serving on the board for Friends of BOW. Member of TRPA since 1995.
Nick Dornak (Wimberley) joined the TRPA Board in 2016. Nick is based in San Marcos as the Water Strategies Lead for Doucet and Associates and was the former Director of Watershed Services with The Meadows Center for Water and the Environment. Nick has served as President of Friends of the Brazos River since 2019. His professional work includes innovative water conservation strategies and community engagement with an emphasis on green infrastructure and One Water policy. Nick continues to work on projects from Big Bend to the Texas Coast and many points in between. Nick loves hunting, fishing, and paddling the rivers of Texas with his three kiddos. Nick lives just off the banks of the Blanco River in Wimberley, TX.
Tom Douglas (Houston) I have had the good fortune to paddle waters along the three US coasts, and in Canada, Costa Rica, and Scotland, and to receive paddling instruction from world-class instructors at NOC, Otter Bar Lodge Kayak School, and Madawaska Kanu Centre. My training in whitewater rescue has been of benefit on those occasions when I have paddled a safety boat for the Buffalo Bayou Regatta. Currently, I am an ACA instructor for canoeing and kayaking, and Conservation Chair of the Houston Canoe Club, for which I write a monthly Conservation Report. My wife and I have organized and led outings for the Galveston Bay Foundation, Houston Canoe Club, Houston Sierra Club, Artist Boat, church and college groups, and Houston Museum of Natural Science. In addition to picking up trash during our trips, we have participated in many cleanups along rivers and bayous. My river scouting activities have played a key role in identifying areas along Armand Bayou suitable for highly successful wetland restoration/planting and for completing the application for approval of the Cypress Creek Texas Paddling Trail – both of which profited from my study of fluvial geomorphology. I also authored paddler’s guides to Buffalo Bayou and a cypress swamp in the Lower Trinity River Basin. I have participated in the development of multiple Watershed Protection Plans and TMDL projects. For this, my professional training (Ph.D.) in biomedical science has proven particularly valuable. As a long-time faculty member at the UT Health Science Center, I taught courses in Environmental Health and published peer-reviewed papers on microbial and chemical contaminants in a Houston-area creek. I am currently advocating for updating our Recreational Water Quality Criteria, which are based on 19th century technology, to incorporate modern, DNA-based methods.
Susan Eda (Houston) has been paddling Texas Rivers since 1968 when she first took Red Cross Basic Canoeing lessons as an 11 year-old Girl Scout. She immediately fell in love with flowing waters and became a Canoeing and Kayaking Instructor as soon as she was old enough. She is a founding member of the Spring Woods Girl Scout Canoe Group, which has since morphed into the Spring Woods Canoe Group, a nonprofit volunteer group of previously Red Cross and now American Canoe Association Instructors who provide low-cost paddling instruction in canoeing, kayaking, and swift water rescue skills to youth groups such as the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, and community members as well. She is an ACA River Canoeing Instructor Trainer and an ACA Essentials of River Kayaking Instructor and an ACA Essentials of Kayak Touring Instructor. She is a Board Member for the Carolina Canoe Club and is a member of the ACA River Canoe and River Kayak Committees. She serves as a Merit Badge Counselor for the Canoeing, Kayaking, and Whitewater Merit Badges for the Scouts BSA program. She is a Section Leader for the San Marcos River and Medina River cleanups and participates in other cleanups as well. She has attended every one of the Medina River cleanups as a River Section Leader. She advocates for conservation and protection of both land and water and is a member of many environmental protection groups. Susan believes that people will value and protect only what they are familiar with, and that to save and preserve our rivers and our wilderness for future generations, we must introduce the current generation to the special places that Texas Rivers can take us. Susan hopes to See You On the River Soon.
John Erskine (Austin) is a die hard water nut and has been paddling and fly fishing on Texas Rivers for more than 40 years. As an Austin resident for the past 30 years he has been involved in local and statewide conservation issues, and has been a strong advocate of water rights, access, and conservation of Texas waterways. In addition to having a background in Environmental Education, John serves as the Board Chair for Cleanup the Colorado and helps to spearhead the LoCo Trash Bash each year. John has previously served as the Board of Chair for the Colorado River Alliance and is a past Board Chair of Austin Youth River Watch.
Tom Goynes (San Marcos) has been paddling canoes and kayaks since 1967. He served as president of the TRPA from 1989 until 2022 when he retired. He has decided to come out of retirement and serve on he board again. He and his wife, Paula, own a campground and have lived on the San Marcos River since 1972.
Todd Grier (Bryan) fell in love with Texas rivers in college, way later than he should have. Since 2005 Todd has taught paddling, rock climbing, and other skills in various university outdoor programs. In 2021 he returned home to Texas where he enjoys introducing new recreational paddlers to Texas rivers. He aims to inspire independent paddlers who know these rivers provide significantly more than recreation and that all rivers require stewards. Currently Todd is the Program Director for Outdoor Adventures at Texas A&M. He served on the Board of Directors for the Association of Outdoor Recreation ( from 2009-2012, two years as board treasurer. He and his wife hope their 2 boys will grow up loving Texas rivers way sooner than Todd did.
Jim Hatcher (Fort Stockton) Has served on the board of the TRPA for many years. Often represents our interest in the Big Bend area.
Mike McClabb (Martindale) Martindale city Council Place 4. Elected to city council in May 2018. I have a BBA degree from Texas State class of 1978
I have been in the past a white water kayaker and canoe racer since the early eighties, also a member of TRPA and SMRF for many years. Have worked with Tom Goynes and TRPA with the state, counties and cities enacting can bans in order to keep trash out of the San Marcos and Comal rivers. Passed the can ban in Martindale on December 2018. What is good for the river is good for Martindale. In 2018 we also converted city owned river bottom lands to parks. As a city council member I have worked with Caldwell and Guadalupe counties with acquiring adjoining properties in our city limits. I have lived in the Martindale area since 1978 and I purchased a house in the city limits in 2008, therefore I am familiar with the area and know many Martindale and area residents for many years. San Marcos is currently experiencing explosive growth and within a short period of time Martindale could experience this type of growth, therefore with my thirty years experience as a project manager in oil and gas projects I have the experience in dealing with developers and contractors. Also currently there are many issues regarding the San Marcos River and these issues must be addressed in order to preserve our beautiful river and town. I have worked with both Caldwell, Guadalupe county judges, and commissioners regarding these issues.
Alexander Neal (Caldwell) joined the TRPA board in 2019. Alexander is a Program Specialist at the Texas Water Resources Institute where he focuses on watershed protection activities and riparian education across the Lone Star State. He received a B.S. in Geography from Texas State University in 2018 with a minor in Nature & Heritage Tourism. Alexander is a wildland- and volunteer firefighter and instructor for the Texas Stream Team. Alexander has worked as a Park Ranger for the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department and as a tour guide aboard the glass-bottomed boats at the San Marcos Springs. He is an advocate for Wilderness Areas and Wild & Scenic Rivers, and is deeply interested in keeping intact streams & wetlands undisturbed. He also advocates for resolving public access issues including the on-going issue at The Cutoff of the Trinity River.
David Price (Austin) current TRPA President. As president (and Professiinal Engineer), has forged new coalitions with many other groups regarding wastewater issues. Has been instrumental in some victories on wastewater permitting, has acted on behalf of TRPA in meetings with TCEQ, commissioners, and builders groups, including nutrient limits, and beneficial reuse., pushed for rework of TRPA website, and secured outside funding for this work(mostly led by others ),Otherwise, , Tailor, Soldier, Spy. A serious whitewater guy, once upon a time. Chaser of floods to kayak. Don Quixote of wastewater permits and river-related stuff.
Joe Rivers (Houston) grew up canoeing the San Marcos and Guadalupe with his father. These early experiences instilled in him deep respect for the rivers and their conservation. He now shares his love of paddling with his son, Wiley. He was an ACA kayak and canoe instructor and taught paddling at the Nantahala Outdoor Center in North Carolina. Joe is an architect and principal at Rivers Barden Architects. Their work includes residential and commercial design, and focuses on projects that engage the built environment with the surrounding site.
2024 TRPA Ballot
Instructions: Indicate your choices by checking (or writing in) up to (no more than) 12 Board of Directors.
[ ] Jim Hatcher (Fort Stockton)
[ ] Joe Rivers (Houston)
[ ] Grace Arianoutsos (Dallas)
[ ] Susan Eda (Houston)
[ ] Alexander Neal (Somerville)
[ ] Patti Carothers (Navasota)
[ ] Nick Dornak (Wimberley)
[ ] Robert Brischetto (Lakehills)
[ ] John Erskine (Austin)
[ ] Mike McClabb (Martindale)
[ ] David Price (Austin)
[ ] Todd Grier (Bryan)
[ ] Tom Douglas (Houston)
[ ] Tom Goynes (San Marcos)
[ ] Bruce Bodson (Missouri City)
Write in:[ ] __________________
Write in:[ ] __________________
e-mail ballot to Make sure your return e-mail address is the address this was sent to (that shows your dues are current)
Or snail mail to: TRPA Election, 444 Pecan Park Drive, San Marcos, TX 78666 If you use snail mail be sure to print and sign the back of this ballot
Mail in membership form:
Make Check payable to:
Texas Rivers Protection Association
444 Pecan Park Dr. San Marcos, TX 78666
Are there any address or telephone changes since last renewal? No___ Yes___
Name: __________________________________________________________
Street:_______________________________________ Apt. No.: _________
City: ______________________________ State: ______ Zip: ____________
Telephone: (______) __________- ___________
Email address: _________________________ @ ____________________
_____ New Membership; _____ Renewal Membership
Type: [ ]Student ($10); [ ]Protector ($25); [ ]Guardian ($50);
[ ]Ranger ($100); [ ]Bronze ($500); [ ]Silver ($1000); [ ]Gold ($5000)
Term of Membership: Expires one year from receipt of payment
Texas Rivers Protection Association is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your donations and membership dues are tax deductible. All members receive notices and newsletters and get to vote at general meetings. To receive any merchandise, please return this printed form via US mail.
Protectors may receive a cloisonné pin with our emblem. Guardians may receive the pin and either a logo cap or logo t-shirt or “Texas Whitewater: The DVD”. Rangers may receive all four. Guardians need to indicate their choice (cap or t-shirt) and Rangers and Guardians wanting t-shirts should indicate their size (M, L, XL, or XXL).
Protectors, Guardians, Rangers, Bronze, Silver, Gold
Please send the following:
Protector: [ ]Cloisonné Pin
Guardian: [ ] Pin and [ ]Cap or [ ] DVD or [ ]T-shirt
(Size: [ ]M, [ ]L, [ ]XL, [ ]XXL)
Ranger thru Gold: [ ]Pin and [ ]Cap and [ ]DVD and [ ]T-shirt
(Size: [ ]M, [ ]L, [ ]XL, [ ]XXL)
Check here if you want a new bumper sticker [ ]
Check here if you do not want to receive any merchandise [ ]
Check here if you do not have an email address [ ]
Check here if no newsletter is desired [ ]