Upcoming Events:

Save the Date for the San Marcos River Cleanup on March 1, 2025

and the 2025 Trash Bash on March 29, 2025!

Pecos River, Lewis Canyon Rapid, photo by Nathalie Le Coz

Summer 2022 TRPA News

In our first mid-year newsletter we include a recap of the 50th Annual Cleanup on the San Marcos River, introduce our newest Board of Directors and highlight goings-on around Texas. Float on down the page to find out more.

Letter from the President

Paddling Upstream to Glide Downstream

It has been a busy start to 2022. At our Board meeting, I had the pleasure of presenting awards to Tom Goynes, Paula Goynes, Steve Daniel, and Richard Grayson, for all of their hard work on behalf of TRPA.

The Board has been hard at work. Representing TRPA, I have spent quite bit of time forging coalitions with other groups, testifying on wastewater permit applications, worked with Petitioners to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for Hill Country Pristine Streams, met with and attended meetings with TCEQ Commissioners as part of the No Dumping Sewage Coalition.  Resulting in a white paper on cost analysis of zero-discharge systems (a link to the paper will be coming soon on our website).

TRPA has been working to oppose a proposed dam on the Llano River, in Edward’s County. A 10+ acre private lake is being proposed by a land owner. This would adversely impact river passage. An existing “pour-over” dam, in the City of Llano has done nothing but collect silt. It is a navigation hazard, as well as a problem for the City (the dam has major sand siltation above it). TRPA opposes any such proposed dam. 

By the time you read this, the Texas Water Safari will have finished up. Brave souls to slog through the record heat, and low flows. As for rain, you all know the story. Our drought continues. The Rio Grande, in Santa Elena Canyon, has ceased to flow. The Rio Concho has received little rain, too, and therefore little flow in the upper reaches of BBNP. Oddly, a major flood hit Rio Grande Village, and the Hot Springs silted up (and are closed until further notice, according to

The heat is stifling, so for any of you folks on the river, please hydrate. Consider wearing long-sleeved “sun shirts” to help keep the sun off. Wide brim hats, and fish-safe sunscreen, too.

Please check our website to keep up-to-date with the increased efforts by our Board to have an impact on river legislation, items affecting water quality, access, flow and the issue with trash in our rivers.  Hope for some rain to recharge the aquifers and rivers. 

We will not be successful if not for dedicated volunteers,  if you would like to play a role in our efforts, please don’t hesitate to shoot me an e-mail.
David Price, President


susan e
Susan Eda

Susan began paddling Texas Rivers as an 11 year-old Girl Scout.  She immediately fell in love with flowing waters and became a Canoeing and Kayaking Instructor as soon as she was old enough.

Joe Rivers
Joe Rivers

Joe grew up canoeing the San Marcos and Guadalupe with his father.  These early experiences instilled in him deep respect for the rivers and their conservation.  He wants to share his love for future generations.

Photo of Jessica Featherston
Jessica Featherston

Jessica is interested in environmental concerns regarding rivers in the state of Texas. She is a frequent kayaker and paddle boarder on the Brazos River. 


Regional News. . .

Trash Hauler on the San Marcos

San Marcos: Over 150 paddlers joined together on a lovely Saturday in early March to participate in the 50th Annual River Clean Up on the San Marcos River.  The trash pile was immense, collectively the teams picked up nearly 40 cubic yards of trash! Our partner, Green Guy Recycling, submitted 250 pounds of steel and 340 pounds of mixed recyclable materials including aluminum, plastic and glass. 

BIG THANKS to Tom and Paula Goynes for coordinating and hosting another wonderful cleanup.


BPA logo

Save the date for the 12th Annual Terry Hershey Bayou Stewardship Award Luncheon. This year the luncheon will be held in-person on November 1, 2022 at the Junior League of Houston.   

For more information or to submit a nomination please follow the BPA link.

Wastewater. . .

TRPA President, David Price, will participate as an expert witness on a lawsuit against the City of Liberty Hill.  As some of you may know, the San Gabriel river below the City wastewater plant has turned into a  mat of algae. The plant recently applied for a 4,000,000 gpd expansion permit.  For a full report on TCEQ violations  of this plant see  www.nodumpingsewage.org. 

TRPA will continue to engage with No Dumping Sewage and the community to affect the situation.  Stay tuned to our website for updates.

Committee Updates:

Membership Committee:

This team is responsible for maintaining the donor and member database in the new tools.  We also collect articles and input for our communications that include a newsletter and Social Media sites. Committee members will engage with outside organizations to increase awareness of TRPA and as a result increase membership. We have added 45 new members through our new website. 

You do not need to be on the Board to participate on the Membership Committee. Please reach out to vicepresident@txrivers.org for information on how you can engage with TRPA.

Clean up Committee:

This team creates and maintains a database of river clean ups around Texas.  Locations and dates will be visible in the TRPA website calendar.  Have a question on how to host a clean up? Check out our website under the Clean Up section.

The river cleanup committee has set goals for 2022:

  • A list of regular river cleanups of Texas rivers published on TRPA website, linked to the TRPA calendar of events with information on: where, when, and coordinator contact information.
  • Identify paddler groups that may be interested in starting river cleanups.
  • Form a team of consultants to help plan startups of new river cleanups.

To provide information on river cleanups, respond to Robert.Brischetto@txrivers.org

Hidalgo Falls Committee:

Comprised of a dedicated group of TRPA members, this committee provides oversight of the property and coordinates our paddling community work days. The committee, working with our website developer, has created an Event Ticket through our website for easy payment processing for Day Use and Camping Fee processing. Hidalgo Falls has generated $285 in access fees using our payment processing and Events page of our website. Please note, cash is no longer accepted on site.


In January, 27 TRPA members came out over two weekends of property maintenance and clean up. The group worked to improve the path to the river, clear bamboo and build picnic tables. Many thanks to Hidalgo Falls member of the month, Chuck Falk, for not only CAD drawing the picnic table plans, but for picking up the supplies when Lowes couldn’t deliver in time!!!

Huge kudos to Doug Hoff and Peter Walsh for staying to help build picnic tables till after sunset

Hidalgo Falls RiverFest 2022 – Save the Date! Saturday October 8-9, 2022

Please join us in Navasota on the Brazos River at Hidalgo Falls for the annual RiverFest October 8-9th.

Learn to kayak, read the river, plan a trip, talk to experts! Activity options to choose from include river paddle with shuttle services, general and targeted seminars to improve your skills offered all weekend. Equipment rentals will be available. Two nights camping at the Hidalgo Falls shaded campground with full toilet and shower facilities. Join us for live music, panel discussions and share stories of your favorite rivers.

Possible seminars include:

Communications Improve your Roll River skills

How to choose a boat SUP, Kayak or Canoe? Meet Kayak Tour operators

Inquire about ACA Kayak Instructor Certification

Registration is open and space is limited. Secure your space early, for tickets click TRPA Events.

Keep an eye on the TRPA calendar for more member events at Hidalgo Falls on the Brazos River.

Tributes, donations in honor of . . .

Members paid tribute to Rust Reid, Pat Isley, David Reichert and David Green through their continued support of TRPA.

TRPA Annual Meeting 2025 JOIN NOW!

Time: Mar 2, 2025 9:00AM Central Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81558105507?pwd=1GOFKGkTWaCavL19gu8wpk8SRsTbYg.1 Meeting ID: 815 5810 550 Passcode: 271561

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